Matthew Watt

Did you know…that if you do not have a Will a Holographic Will can cover you until such time as you have a formalized Will…..

Holographic Will Succession Law Reform Act requires that a holograph will be wholly in the testator’s own handwriting and signed by the testator.[1] This means that a will that is typed out and then signed only by the testator will not be a valid will.  Courts have applied this requirement very strictly to testamentary papers that do not meet the usual requirements of a will. The purpose of this rule is to ensure that the testamentary document represents the authentic last wishes of the testator. This rule also applies when a handwritten testamentary document refers to another typed document. Although […]

Residence of Executor may have important tax consequences on your Estate……

Ontario residents may know that in appointing an executor to carry out the tasks set forth in a will, people automatically consider trustworthiness and reliability, but residency is another attribute that might also be considered important. The Canada Revenue Agency has stated in an interpretation bulletin that the residence of a trust depends on the residence of the trustee. The interpretation applies to decedents’ estates as well. If a person appoints a non-resident of Canada as his or her executor, the estate will not receive preferred tax treatment on Canadian dividends or capital gains, and it may not be able […]

No Benefits? No Problem!

Not covered by an employee benefit plan? As you may know first-hand, your provincial health insurance only goes so far. It can cost hundreds, even thousands, of dollars out of pocket each year for prescription drugs, dental checkups and more for you and your family. Fortunately, Manulife Financial can help you save on these costs through the affordable Association Health & Dental Plans. You have 8 plans to choose from, each offering escalating levels of coverage for dental only or a combination of prescription drugs and dental coverage. And all plans include Core Benefits like vision care, massage therapy and hearing aids – all of which are not […]


We all enjoy being healthy, feeling good, and having the freedom to go where we wish when we want to. Having adequate coverage for both health and dental care at home, and travel insurance when we are out of the country, is very important to protect our family’s assets. The cost of medical and dental payments and travel expenses is even more important now, as the cost of care has risen significantly. There is a risk of an accident or serious illness when we are out of the country. While we are travelling, we may suffer injuries or sicknesses that […]